Textile engineering major held a symposium between teachers and students


WriterYang Qun PhotographerXu Yingqi

In order to further understand the learning and life of students in textile engineering, students' understanding of the integration of industry and education and cognition of the major, and to speed up the discipline construction, textile engineering held a teacher-student symposium in Art Building C210on the afternoon of May 19,2023. We hereby invite Professor Xin Binjie, dean of the Textile and Garment College, Professor Wang Liming, former dean of the Department of Textile Engineering and the teaching supervisor of the school to attend the symposium. All the full-time teachers of the major and undergraduate representatives from four grades attended the symposium. The symposium was presided over by Mr.Gao Weihong, assistant dean of the Department of Textile Engineering.

The teachers of the college first welcomed the arrival of the students, and hoped that the students would express their views on the study, life, postgraduate entrance examination, employment and other aspects of the symposium.

At the symposium, the students raised questions and doubts about the internship arrangement of the integration of industry and education and the existing courses, whether the theoretical courses will be deleted, the situation of the internship enterprise, the employment choice after graduation, and what kind of competition can improve their professional quality. ProfessorXinBinjie, Professor Wang Liming and professional teachers to the students' problems to reply, the confusion of students to give targeted guidance, and with their own experience and some outstanding students experience as a case, let students understand during the school of the personal quality and ability is the key, to grasp the learning time in school, active learning, improve the quality of learning, for the students in the next university life, improve the confidence.

Through this symposium, the textile engineering major has a deeper understanding of the learning and living conditions of the students and their cognition of the major. In the next stage, it will be a better establishment of a communication platform to enhance the communication with the students, so as to further promote the development of the major.

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