School of Textile and Fashion Holds 2023 Teaching Competition Selection Activity within the College


In order to promote the construction of the young teacher team, continuously deepen the effectiveness of ideological and political construction in the curriculum, and improve the teaching level and educational ability of teachers, on the afternoon of June 26, School of Textile and Fashion held the 2023 teaching competition selection activity in the Art Building C210. Dean Xin Binjie, Vice Dean of Teaching Li Chunxiao, campus supervisor Wu Xiangji, Vice Dean Xu Lihui, and representatives of teachers from various departments attended.

Yang Shu, Pan Hong, Zhu Jie from the Department of Textile Engineering, Liang Shuaitong, Dong Haiyu from the Department of Fashion Design and Engineering participated in this competition. At the selection competition, each teacher spent 20 minutes showcasing the teaching segments on-site, reflecting different teaching methods and styles, and the PPT content was rich. The Judge Teacher provided guidance to the participating teachers from several aspects, including teaching content, teaching organization, teaching language and style, teaching characteristics, and standardization.

The evaluation experts proposed targeted improvement measures, pointing out that the teaching design and on-site display framework should be clear, the content should be refined, the PPT design and production should be beautiful, the teaching materials should be innovative, the teaching content should be rigorous, the teaching methods should be diverse, and the teaching process should mobilize students' enthusiasm.

The teaching competition in the School of Textile and Fashionis not only a showcase of the teacher's demeanor, but also encourages young teachers to focus on professional characteristics, learn and implement the thought of Xi Jingping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, further promote the reform and innovation of college education and teaching, and continuously improve the quality and level of teaching.

Author: Hu Hongyan   Photographer: Hu Hongyan   Reviewer: Li Chunxiao

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