International students of our school carried out a cultural experience activity of "See a different Shanghai"


Written by Yang Shu Photography by Duan Ling Approved by Qu Hongjian

In order to further enrich the cultural life of international students and enhance the interaction between teachers and students, on May 27, 2023, with the support of the School of International Education,Textile and Garment College organized international students from many colleges of our school to participate in the special activities of Fashion Aesthetics and Joy class of National Science and Technology Activity Week jointly organized by Shanghai University of Engineering Science and Technology, China Textile Engineering Society, M50 Creative Park and Shanghai Textile Museum. The students walked into M50 Creative Park and Shanghai Textile Museum to check the industrial heritage."See a different Shanghai" from a unique perspective and taste the aesthetics of life.

M50 Creative Park visit

Students from Shanghai University of Engineering Technology walk into the M50 Creative Park, located at 50 Moganshan Road, and check out the 600-meter-long graffiti wall along the way to experience the wonderful integration of old factories and graffiti art.Admire the creation of modern art on the rusted factory walls;Close and personal experience, Shanghai city and industrial civilization and even the entire industrial development of China's microcosm;Students made aesthetic works under the guidance of artists and enjoyed wonderful artistic performances...The colorful aesthetic experience of life has been praised by overseas students.

The international students visited Fo Du Xuan. The founder, Ms. Cheng Li, is a bamboo weaving inheritors and a master of arts and crafts in Shanghai. Her works have won many awards at home and abroad and have been collected by many institutions and famous collectors.Ms. Cheng introduced the spread of bamboo culture and the inheritance of bamboo weaving skills.Non-heritage bamboo weaving makes full use of the material beauty of bamboo itself, and weaves the profound and enlightening Buddhist thought through the folk customs lasting for thousands of years with the bamboo thread endowed with spirituality through special techniques.It shows the unique aesthetic taste of Chinese culture and sublimates its artistic value naturally.Ms. Cheng also specially taught the international students to weave bamboo woven rings.The small ring seems simple, but it actually contains a huge bamboo weaving secret, which is one of the necessary skills for bamboo weaving.The students not only experienced simple bamboo weaving techniques and understood the basic technology of bamboo weaving, but also felt the charm of intangible cultural heritage more intuitively and profoundly.

Intangible cultural heritage classroom

Life aesthetic experience

In traditional Chinese culture, patchwork is generally called "patchwork", the original meaning of "patchwork" patch, "patchwork" metaphor many, patchwork with scattered materials integrated a complete set of items, such as the familiar patchwork, patchwork quilt and so on.Shanghai native fabric weaving line is fine, the texture is mostly horizontal and vertical, the color is mainly indigo, and there is no shortage of red, white and green colors.In the eyes of artists, these are the source and materials of creation.They closely combine different materials of fabric, color collocation and coordination, to produce a piece of highly ornamental and aesthetic value of "patchwork art", with a unique aesthetic orientation to pursue art, reflecting the yearning for a better life.

At the activity site, the students carefully cut, splicing cloth, strengthening the edge, China Textile Engineering Society science expert Dr. Duan Ling patient guidance, the scene atmosphere is warm and cheerful.Looking at their own handmade quilting works, everyone's face is filled with a satisfied smile, proud to show their labor results, full of a sense of accomplishment.This activity let the participants experience the joy of labor, personally feel the beauty of textile and the charm of traditional Chinese clothing culture.

Quilting art

Intangible heritage tie-dye

"Tie-dyeing technology is China's traditional manual printing and dyeing technology, which has a history of thousands of years.Stranded valerian, wax valerian, pinch valerian, and ash valerian are traditional plant dyeing techniques in China..."The teacher began to explain today, from the origin of tie-dye, historical development, artistic value, tie-dye process to common tie-dye techniques, the students listened with great interest, and warmly interacted with the teacher. Under the teacher's friendly guidance, they slowly developed the tie-dye creation in hands-on operation...

Intangible heritage tie-dye

Shanghai Textile Museum visit

Under the guidance of the museum's docents, everyone visited each exhibition hall of the Shanghai Textile Museum in turn, and tasted thousands of years of textile culture in the museum;The brilliant achievements of Shanghai textile and the spirit of industrialists in the capture Hall;Learn fiber knowledge and modern textile technology in science museum;Learn about the history of textile machinery and the spirit of model workers in the special museum.

Visit the museum

This cultural experience activity has planted a seed for the international students to spread traditional Chinese culture, and everyone has personally experienced the connotation and vitality of Chinese culture. I believe that these beautiful memories will paint a beautiful poem for the students' overseas study career.

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