Weaving the Future, Welcoming the Sailing of Life-The College of Textiles and Clothing welcomes the new students


Writer: Zhu Junyuan Wei Mengli Zhang Hui Long Excellence Tan Yaoming Qin Xiaoding Chen Yunyu Photographer: Zhu Junyuan Wei Mengli Zhang Hui Long Excellence Tan Yaoming Qin Xiaoding Chen Yunyu Zhou Xiaohuan

September, the golden fall, is the season of harvest, but also a new beginning. In a day of fragrant laurel, the College of Textiles and Clothing ushered in the vigorous new students. With the vision of the future, they stepped into the campus that carries the dream.

From September 14th to 15th, the College of Textile and Clothing welcomed more than 600 new students of the class of 2023. Zhu Junxuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Xin Binjie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the College, and Xie Zhixia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, were at the welcoming point to welcome the new students. Early in the morning, counselors and volunteers were located at the new student check-in point, welcoming the new students with the most heartfelt and exquisite on-site arrangement, and welcoming the new students with enthusiasm. Volunteers are well organized, clear division of labor, they carefully check the information, patiently answer the questions and lead the little budding newcomers to open a brand new chapter. The intimate volunteer service, warm-hearted elder sister and the longing freshmen constitute a big group of spinning clothes.

In the flourishing new semester, the School of Textiles and Clothing, aiming to improve the experience of new students in campus life, specially planned a series of creative interactive activities, introduced the exclusive IP image of the School of Textiles and Clothing "Little Threads" dolls, and volunteers of the School responded positively to the call for face-to-face exchanges with new students to answer their questions and confusions, and teach them important information about campus culture, rules and regulations, and study methods, so that new students feel a strong sense of belonging to the campus. The volunteers actively responded to the call, communicated with the new students face-to-face, answered their questions and confusion, and taught them important information about the campus culture, rules and regulations, and learning methods, so that the new students could feel a strong sense of belonging to the campus. Through this creative way, we hope to promote the new students to integrate into the new environment of study and life more quickly, establish good interpersonal relationships, and lay a solid foundation for their future growth.

New semester, new journey. New students will receive the textile and apparel college wish card and gift bag when they report to the school, write on the card before going to school wish, is the desire and longing for college life, but also for the future life is full of hope and confidence and enthusiasm. Let the small wishes and students with the Cheng Garden together to meet a better tomorrow.

The Freshmen Dormitory Reporting Activity was successfully concluded recently, which not only provided freshmen with information and services related to dormitory life, but also made them feel warmth and a sense of belonging. Volunteers prepared carefully and greeted every new student with warm smiles and professional attitudes. They distributed reporting materials for the new students and introduced the facilities and usage of the dormitory building in detail. The freshmen discussed with each other about their college planning and expectations, and shared their dreams and goals. With the curtain falling on the new student dormitory report, it means that the new students formally integrated into the university life.

The orientation came to a successful end, "Little Fortune Star" volunteers have carried forward the spirit of conscientious and responsible volunteers, in the activities with the new students in a very friendly interaction and exchange, with a good spirit of the orientation activities, showing the vigor and style of the Textile and Apparel College. The arrival of fresh blood has added many different colors to the College of Textile and Clothing. In this day full of hope, the College of Textile and Clothing has conveyed a positive and energetic image to the society with practical actions. Let's look forward to these fresh blood in the college under the care of strong growth, for the future contribution of youth and talent!

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